When your sport is likely to get you wet how do you carry essential valuables such as your car keys and mobile phone?

Car Keys

It is an unfortunate fact of life that a car is an important kayaking accessory.  As most car keys now have a blip it will need to be kept dry: Aquapac make a range of useful dry pouches for items such as keys and mobile phones.

Given that the standard rescue protocol places people before kit it is better to carry your car key on your person or in a buoyancy aid pocket rather than secured in your boat.


Again consider what you can carry on your person rather than in your boat.  A ten pound note and and a credit card in your car key pouch, with your wallet locked away somewhere dry, may be a better options than carrying your wallet in your kayak.

Mobile Phone 

Again the waterproof pouch is essential and if possible you want it on your person rather than in a boat.

Bank Support

If you are lucky enough to have non-paddling bank support think carefully about whether you need to carry car keys and other valuables or whether you can leave them in the care of your non-paddling family ot friends.