Saturday 14th January 2017
Today we were blessed with dry, sunny but cold weather for the first of three work parties in winter/spring 2017. Our focus was on the hedges and the timber fence around the wildflower meadow.
Last year we had started replacing the timber fence on the north (car park) side of the meadow. Naturally we started at the east end both to continue the existing fence replacement and because that was the easiest section. Today we continued a further 18 metres west. This was a more challenging section with a dense growth of nettles, brambles and other weeds. Once these were cleared not only could we re-erect the fence but also it was possible to see how well the hedging planted over the last 5 years has fared. Some augmentation planting of the hedge will be necessary.
We also some light pruning of the remainder of the hedge between the car park and the Club's land, taking out growth that either protruded into the car park or was otherwise not useful.