This is the Wednesday evening pool programme for what remains of Spring 2025. This season it includes a mixture of Open Sessions and Courses. We strive to have coaches available on the 7:15, 7:45 and 8:15 Open sessions.
Please check the programme regularly - things may change slightly as the season progresses
Basingstoke & Deane Canoe ClubQMC Pool Programme Spring 2025 |
Date | 7:15-7:45 | 7:45-8:15 | 8:15-8:45 | 8:45-9:15 |
1st January | Pool Closed | Pool Closed | Pool Closed | Pool Closed |
8th January | Pool Closed | Pool Closed | Pool Closed | Pool Closed |
15th January | Pool Closed | Pool Closed | Pool Closed | Pool Closed |
22ndJanuary | Pool Closed | Pool Closed | Pool Closed | Pool Closed |
29th January | Pool Closed | Pool Closed | Pool Closed | Pool Closed |
5th February | Open | Open | Open | Playboating* |
12th February | Open | Open | Open | Playboating* |
19st February | Open | Open | Open | Playboating* |
26th February | Open | Open | Open | Playboating* |
5th March | Open | Open | Explore | Explore |
12thMarch | Open | Open | Open | Playboating* |
19thMarch | Open | Open | Open | Playboating* |
26thMarch | Open | Open | PSRC Training | PSRC Training |
2nd April | Open | Open | PSRC Training | PSRC Training |
9th April | Open | Open | Open | Open |
16th April | Colt Hill | |||
24thApril | Colt Hill |
*If playboaters are on the pool, helmets must be worn on this session, even for those not playboating. Helmets will be available in the poolside baskets.
Booking your Pool Session
"Open" sessions are in BLUE on the programme. You can book all open sessions by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also just turn up and take your chance that a slot is available.
Open sessions are 1/2 hour slots, cost £6.50 and you pay on the night. If you want to paddle for a hour, and if there is space, you simply book two slots. The cost includes to the option of using all the equipment you need for the session – boat, paddles, buoyancy aid and helmet when required. The fee is set by the club to ensure we cover the cost of hiring the pool from QMC and maintaining the fleet of pool boats over the entire pool season.
"Themed" open sessions (in GREEN) are booked and paid for in the same way as normal open sessions. If it is a double themed open session you need to book both sessions.
The booking slot for each week starts at 9:30pm the week before (immediately after the preceding week's pool session) and closes at 10pm on Tuesday (the night before the pool session). Someone may to book you in if you send an email after 10pm on Tuesday, but it cannot be guaranteed. Booking operates on a first-come-first-served basis. During busy periods some sessions may fill up and you may be offered an alternative session. You can also turn up "on-spec" on Wednesday evening to see if there are spaces available.
Sessions / pool costs and payments
You must pay before you paddle. You can pay at the pool using cash or card.
Open sessions are 30 minutes and cost £6.50 per session. This includes to the option of using all the equipment you need for the session – boat, paddles, buoyancy aid and helmet when required. The fee is set by the club to ensure we cover the cost of hiring the pool from QMC and maintaining the fleet of pool boats over the entire pool season.
Arriving at the pool
Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your session is due to start. For the 7.15pm sessions, all participants must be changed and already in buoyancy aids at 7.15pm.
Please note that you cannot enter the pool area before 7pm. However you can start to get changed at this time.
Courses are in Red and are booked and paid for separately. Information about courses, and how to book onto them, is available on the website and in the Newsletter, or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Who can take part in pool sessions?
BADCC pool sessions are for Club members and those taking part in club courses. Members of other local canoe clubs may also use the pool by individual agreement. Non-members are allowed one taster session and must then join the Club.
All first time users must do a "pool induction".
What should I wear?
While it is up to you, most people find it comfortable to wear their normal swimming costume plus a tee-shirt and shorts as you will often be in and out of the water and boat!
Can I use my own equipment?
You may use your own boat at the pool. However the fee remains the same. Your equipment must be cleaned before you arrive at the pool and then rinsed with the poolside hose pipe. The pool lifeguard will advise if use of your own equipment is appropriate for a particular session and point out where the hose is located.
Who can I talk to?
Hopefully someone from the club will have introduced themselves to you when you arrive at the pool. If we are busy look out for one of these people as they are best able to answer all your paddling questions.
All first time users must take part in the pool induction training session. After the first taster session BADCC requires everyone that takes part in a pool session are or become a club member.