The Club has started the construction of a Colt Hill Clubhouse that will eventually comprise:
- A boat store approximately 5m by 10m;
- Male, female and disabled toilets;
- Changing rooms for 8 males and 8 females plus 5 overspill;
- A club room/ classroom approximately 6m by 8m with disabled access;
- A small kitchen;
- Car parking and lawn.
At present the boat store is being fitted out; the remainder is a shell only until the Club has the funds to complete the fit out.
Copies of the architect's drawings that were submitted with the planning application can be seen by clicking here.
The shell to date allows the Club to have a functional boat store. As funds become available we intend to complete the fit out of the changing rooms and clubroom and to complete the car park.
We are also undertaking the landscaping works around the building using volunteer labour. To date we have undertaken substantial reinforcement planting of the hedge around the Club's land and have sown the wildflower meadow at the east end of the plot.