All users of Colt Hill Clubhouse shall be made aware of the normal operating procedures for the Clubhouse.
Vehicular access is from London Road via the public car park at Colt Hill Wharf. Only the double gates to the car park shall be used for vehicular access.
There is also pedestrian access to the towpath by the wharf and to the wildflower meadow.
When the changing rooms and club room come into use: There are three accesses to the Clubhouse:
- Shutter and pass door to the boat store: for users of wheelchairs and others with limited mobility it may be necessary to open the shutter for access.
- The main entrance is accessible to all and is the primary fire exit.
- The French windows to the Clubroom provide an alternative access, but with a step. One of the French windows is a secondary fire exit, but users of wheelchairs and others with limited mobility should use the main entrance only.
Opening and Closing
On arrival the gates to the car park and to the wharf should be unlocked so they can be used for evacuation in the event of a fire. All gates shall be left closed except when in use. If the clubroom and changing rooms are to be used the shutters on the fire doors (main entrance door and fire door in the clubroom) should be raised.
The person in charge of the session should complete the user sheet. By signing the sheet the responsible person confirms the group will:
- Follow the users code of conduct
- Comply with the normal operation procedures
- Are aware of the emergency operating procedures
- Will leave the Clubhouse tidy, clean and secured.
When the changing rooms and club room come into use: Testing of the fire/smoke alarms is recorded in the sign in sheet. If the alarms have not been tested in the last week, the person in charge should test the alarms prior to use and record that in the sign in sheet.
On departure the person in charge shall ensure:
- The Clubhouse is left clean and tidy
- All lights are turned off
- Any electrical appliances are turned off and unplugged if appropriate
- The clubhouse is left tidy and clean
- All doors and shutters are closed and locked
- The gates are closed and locked.
Operational Hours
To comply with the planning permission the operational hours of Colt Hill Clubhouse are limited to 09:00 to 21:00 Monday to Friday and 08:00 to 21:00 on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
Safety and Security
Whilst the Clubhouse is in use the fire exit doors shall remain unlocked and either the gates to the wharf or the gates to the car park or both shall remain unlocked. All gates shall remain closed except whilst in use.
When the changing rooms and club room come into use: The main entrance lobby is the primary fire exit from the clubroom and changing rooms. It shall be kept clear and only official notices shall be posted on the noticeboard in the lobby.
The main shutter to the boat store shall only be opened if there is a responsible person in attendance. The shutter shall be closed and secured if the boat store is unattended. The pass door to the boat store shall be kept closed when not in use and if the boat store and car park are unattended it shall be locked.
When the changing rooms and club room come into use: The person in charge shall appoint stewards to be responsible for the safety and security of users. There shall be at least one steward for each 12 users. Stewards shall:
- Ensure the building is fully vacated in the event of a fire or other evacuation;
- Administer first aid if necessary;
- Maintain good order and compliance with codes of conduct.
First Aid
At least one steward shall have a current first aid certificate (8 hours minimum).
A first aid kit is located in the entrance lobby together with an accident book. All accidents shall be recorded in the accident book and the completed accident form shall be sent to [to be confirmed]
The person in charge shall ensure that all equipment is returned to the boat store in good condition, in particular that:
- all water has been drained from canoes and kayaks and any mud or dirt removed;
- that paddles have been cleaned and returned to the correct rack;
- that buoyancy aids, cagoules, spraydecks and the like have been cleaned and allowed to drain;
- any wear and tear, damage or breakage is recorded in the damage book and that any unserviceable equipment is marked as such.
There is no waste collection from Colt Hill Clubhouse. Users shall be responsible for taking any waste off site to an appropriate disposal point.
Until the fit out is completed there is a "portaloo" toilet at the Clubhouse.