An Inclusion Policy is a key element of Basingstoke and Deane Canoe Club's (BADCC) policy framework for supporting the needs of all paddlers. This document has been produced to reflect good practice regarding effective inclusion.
Inclusion is the process of removing barriers to participation and learning so that everyone benefits fully from paddling opportunities.
- Is a process and not a state.
- Is characterised by a culture that not only respects but also welcomes diversity.
- Involves active partnerships between parents and carers, education practitioners and specialist service staff.
Everyone has a right to participate in society and should therefore have the opportunity to participate in their community. Effective inclusive practice is based on two core values:
- Equality - everyone should be equally valued regardless of their abilities, circumstances or behaviour. Action needs to be taken against discrimination.
- Entitlement - everyone is entitled to broad, balanced and relevant opportunities in life.
Real inclusion occurs when individuals feel welcomed as part of the community.
Inclusion is everyone's business. Sports clubs have a responsibility to ensure that everyone can participate fully. BADCC will promote this process by developing ethos, resources, partnerships, coach training and ways of teaching, so that individual needs can be met.
One size does not fit all. There should be a continuum of provision to meet a continuum of need. BADCC will ensure that members (or their parents and carers where appropriate) should be able to express preferences, and where possible make choices, about how individual needs are met.
Quality matters. All paddlers should receive high quality coaching and experiences a wide variety of paddling opportunities that meets their needs through varied and flexible provision. BADCC will strive for excellence based on what works.
Inclusion targets
Targets alone do not bring about improvements, but they do help to focus attention on desirable outcomes and provide a benchmark against which progress can be measured. Inclusion of a few should not lead to detriment for the many. In relation to inclusion, areas of development, for which targets will be set include:
- Appointment of an inclusion officer as a champion and source of advice.
- Working to improve access at all venues used by the Club.
- Improving access to relevant development programmes for coaches and volunteers.
- Decreasing exclusions.
Implementation of this policy and targets will be monitored by reviews reported to the Annual General Meeting of the Club.
Related BADCC Policies and Documents
In reading the Inclusion Policy it is important that cross reference is made to the following related BADCC documentation: