23rd to 27th January

Over this week the permanent wire mesh fence around the proposed clubhouse and car park has been erected.

Saturday 21st January

The main aim of the work party was to trim the earth banks around the new vehicular entrance in preparation for fence erection the following week.

Bank on east side


Thursday 29th December

Colin B and I spent the morning working off excess mince pies by completing the setting out for the new fence. We also did a little trimming by hand where the minidigger had missed odd high spots. Again I was somewhat remiss in the camera department.

Thursday 22nd December

Another day with the mini-digger and dumper has filled another skip and largely finished preparatory earthworks so that the new fence can be erected on a reasonably straight and level line. Forgetfulness on the part of the camera operator (me) means I have no photo at this time!

Thursday 15th December

OsierThe landscaping plan for the east end of the site includes planting willow coppice. 

Thursday 15th December

Heeled in hedgingThe plants for creating the new hedge and for enhancing the existing hedges have arrived.